Irvine Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Lawyers

The Southern California Nursing Home Law Group specializes in abuse and neglect cases in the nursing home, assisted living, memory care, and home care setting. With over 700 for-profit nursing homes in the Southern California region and an even greater number of residential care facilities in the state, the opportunities for mistreatment of our most vulnerable loved ones are many. If you suspect that an elderly or dependent family member has been subjected to abuse or neglect in a nursing home in Irvine, you need to act immediately. Call or contact our office today to schedule a free consultation.

Possible Signs of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

There are many signs to look for that may indicate your loved one has been mistreated in a nursing home or residential care facility. An unexpected injury, illness, or even death can actually be a sign of abuse or neglect. Nursing home abuse can be physical, psychological, or sexual abuse.

When a nursing home or residential care facility fails to provide basic care to their residents, such as food or proper shelter, it can result in charges of nursing home neglect. The injuries and complications caused by neglect can be just as devastating to victims as outright abuse. Some signs of nursing home neglect include the following:

  • Significant weight loss due to malnourishment
  • Refusal to provide needed medical care
  • Changes in mentation or cognition
  • Skin sores, including bedsores, pressure sores on coccyx, heels, legs, or other ulcers
  • Soiled bedding or clothing
  • Residents dressed unsuitably for the weather
  • Bedsores
  • Poor living conditions, including lack of heat or faulty electrical wiring
  • Evidence of rodents or bugs
  • Untimely transfers or failure to get medical care

It is important to remember that nursing home abuse and neglect can happen at any facility, including the most highly-rated nursing homes in places like Irvine. The attorneys at the Southern California Nursing Home Law Group have successfully represented hundreds of clients who have been victims of nursing home abuse and neglect. Our in-depth knowledge of the law as well as the legal process of abuse and neglect claims can help your family get the compensation you deserve after nursing home mistreatment.

Compensation for Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Victims and Families

California law provides compensation for nursing home abuse and neglect victims under the state’s Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act. Special damages compensate for the out-of-pocket expenses caused by the mistreatment such as medical bills, hospitalization, additional long or short term care, and medical equipment. General damages provide compensation for pain and suffering, disability, disfigurement, emotional distress, and the loss of enjoyment of life. In cases involving death, the surviving heirs are entitled to compensation for loss of love, society, companionship and support.

In cases in where nursing home abuse and neglect rises beyond the level of negligent to reckless or willful behavior, victims may also receive punitive damages. This is additional compensation meant to serve as a punishment to the wrongdoers and a deterrent to others who may consider similar behavior. An experienced attorney will be able to review the details of your case to determine whether the abuse or neglect warrants punitive damages.

Learn More About How Our Office Can Help

If you suspect nursing home abuse or neglect in an Irvine-area nursing home, your concerns should be discussed with an experienced attorney and investigated right away. Southern California Nursing Home Law Group specializes in nursing home abuse and neglect claims. We will aggressively fight for the compensation your family deserves after suffering mistreatment in a nursing home facility and will do everything necessary to help you navigate this difficult time.

Our track record of success representing clients throughout southern California speaks for itself, including in Irvine, and we never charge for an initial case evaluation. As part of our legal services we perform a comprehensive investigation of your suspicions of nursing home abuse or neglect and stay in constant communication about the case throughout every step of the legal process. Our experienced nursing home abuse and neglect attorneys will zealously advocate on your behalf until those responsible for the harm caused to your loved one are held accountable for their actions.

Call or Contact Our Office Now

Do you suspect that a loved one has been subject to abuse or neglect in an Irvine nursing home? If so, call the office or contact us today at the Southern California Nursing Home Law Group to schedule a free consultation with one of our expert nursing home abuse and neglect attorneys.

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