Los Angeles County is home to 409 skilled nursing homes and over 1,000 assisted living facilities for the elderly serving over 100,000 senior Angelinos every year. And while most nursing facilities in Los Angeles provide satisfactory care to their elderly residents, too many are being held responsible for the neglect and abuse of the patients that reside within.
The neglect or abuse of a nursing home resident occurs in a variety of ways. In general, however, it is most often the result of nursing caregivers to prevent falls, malnutrition/dehydration, bed sores, and other injuries or harms that would not occur but for negligent care. The Los Angeles nursing home negligence lawyers at the Southern California Nursing Home Law group have represented many Southland families in cases involving elder abuse and neglect.
Fighting for the Rights of Elder Neglect VictimsThe Los Angeles elder neglect attorneys at the Southern California Nursing Home Law Group have been fighting for the rights of nursing home residents for more than 20 years. Our law firm has brought lawsuits against skilled nursing facilities and assisted living facilities throughout Southern California and has recovered millions of dollars for victims and their families. Our attorneys have a deep understanding of California elder neglect and abuse laws and understand the serious and solemn nature of these cases.
The California Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection ActEnacted in 1991, California’s Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act (EADACPA) is an independent legal cause of action available to individuals who believe they have been abused, neglected or abandoned in the nursing home or assisted living setting. The body of law is found at Welfare & Institutions Code §15600 et seq. and was enacted after the California Legislature recognized that California seniors (over age 64) are particularly subjected to acts of abuse and neglect. The law also applies to a “dependent adult,” which is a person between 18 and 64 years of age who is unable to carry out activities of daily living due to impairments.
In enacting this body of law, the Legislature wanted to "direct special attention to the needs and problems of elderly persons, recognizing that these persons constitute a significant and identifiable segment of the population and that they are more subject to risks of abuse, neglect, and abandonment.”
Under EADACPA, elder abuse or neglect is defined as “physical abuse, neglect, abandonment, isolation, abduction, or other treatment that results in harm, pain or mental suffering.” It can also mean the deprivation by a care custodian of goods or services that are necessary to avoid physical harm or mental suffering.
Our Los Angeles nursing home neglect lawyers have seen neglect and abuse arise under a variety of circumstances. In 20 years of practice, however, we have noticed patterns of cases.
The County of Los Angeles has a variety of resources for seniors and their families who have been subject to abuse or neglect. These agencies, both governmental agencies and non-governmental, can be an excellent resource.
California Department of Public Health. To make a complaint about a nursing home, or to learn if a home or care facility has a history of complaints or citations, visit the website or call the state Health Facilities Inspection Division at (800) 228-1019.
To learn if a skilled nursing facility has been issued citations for conduct that resulted in a patient's death visit CDPH's website or call the state Health Facilities Inspection Division at (800) 228-1019.
Department of Social Services. To make a complaint against an assisted living facility call (323) 980-4935 (Central) or (818) 596-4334 (North L.A.).
Ombudsman. The Los Angeles County Ombudsman Office can be contacted by calling (800) 231-4024.
Adult Protective Services. For any immediate concerns about the wellbeing of an elderly Los Angeles County resident call Adult Protective Services at (800) 491-7123. You also may report abuse online here.
Los Angeles County Elder Abuse Hotline. To report other concerns about senior abuse (877) 4-R-SENIORS ((877) 477-3646).
Request a Free Consultation With an Experienced Los Angeles LawyerThe EADACPA (the Elder Abuse Act) has been the law in California for over 30 years. If you have a case involving you or a loved one and want to know your rights under California laws, please give Southern California Nursing Home Law Group a call. Our Los Angeles lawyers provide free consultations and will let you know if you have a viable case. Call (866) 607-1325 or complete our online questionnaire.