An Intermediate Care Facility by the name of Evergreen Estates in Riverside County, California, received an A Citation in 2017 for a series of matters relating to a resident that ultimately led to unnecessary pain and suffering for the patient. One of the areas of negligence was regarding pain management and treatment of a bed sore that the patient had acquired due to her immobility. The CNA’s at the Riverside facility explain that the resident used to cry out in pain when the bed sore dressing was being changed, or even when she would adjust her position in a chair or bed. The CNA’s brought this matter up to the RN at the facility and asked for a stronger pain reliever for the patient, but their requests were ignored or not followed up on. This led to the patient enduring severe pain that could have been managed with pain relievers, or a situation that could have been prevented altogether, had the patient been shifted around properly to prevent the bed sore from forming in the first place. Aside from moving patients around, there are a series of steps that nursing homes and assisted living facilities can take to prevent bed sores from forming, some of these include:
There are four stages that bed sores are categorized as, the first stage being the least serious, often appearing as a bruise with little to no skin tears. The stages progress in intensity, with each stage bringing a patient closer to the possibility of infection or serious injury. The fourth stage is the most severe, creating an ulcer that is very deep and is often reaching to the muscle or bone. This stage can lead to nerve damage and serious infection that can be life threatening. The resident in the Riverside County nursing home was described as having an ulcer that was deep, infected, and excruciatingly painful. With these categorizations, we can assume that the bed sore was in a later stage of the four. The home’s negligence in this matter is a situation that Riverside County nursing home bed sore attorneys unfortunately see time and time again.
Call or Contact Southern California Nursing Home Law Group TodayHave you suspected that a loved one has been the victim of a nursing home bedsore complication in Riverside? If so, call the office or contact an attorney today at Walton Law Firm to schedule a free case evaluation with one of our experienced Riverside bed sore lawyers now.